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Feb 19, 2010

The Lang 84 Original

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Here's a classic trailered smoker with enough cooking area to satisfy any size crowd up to a small army. I like this traditional style, offset smoker. I like it so much I'm going to base my trailered pit design (the one I build for myself) off of this exact smoker. Of course there will have to be the requisite builder modifications. But where's the fun in building your own if you can't tweak it just the way you want it?

Lang describes the Model 84 Original as follows:

"Our most popular selling size Smoker Cooker Bar-B.Q. Grill, we sell hundreds every year. Model # 84' like all our other models comes completely assembled, all welded and ready to cook. It weighs 1760 pounds and is our best size for volume cooking. If you need more cooking space, we recommend that you buy two or buy the twin 84 model."

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