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Feb 3, 2010

Homemade Hamburger Recipes

Homemade Hamburger Recipes: "Homemade Hamburger Recipe #1

Hamburger buns (4)
Lettuce leaves (8)
Kosher salt (2 teaspoons)
Medium tomatoes - thickly sliced (2)
Freshly ground black pepper (2 teaspoons)
Ground beef - preferably chuck (2 pounds)

First, you need to preheat the grill to medium high. Then, you have to season the meat with some salt and pepper. Make sure you season it lightly. Now, shape this into 4 patties and place the patties onto the grill. Cook it for 6 minutes on each side or as desired. Place these patties on the buns. You can also toast the buns. Use lettuce and tomato as toppings. Add some ketchup as well."

Thanks Buzzle!

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