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Mar 10, 2010

Texas Tech Pit

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There are way too many goodies on this kitchen on wheels for me to list here.  I have listed just a few of the items you can expect from the pro's at East Texas Smoker CompanySmoker.


•Reverse smoker design uses three plates to transfer smoke and heat.

•10-ft, 350-gallon tank, 1/4 inch thick steel, 30 inches in height.

•The three doors have 1-inch x 3/16-inch flat stock around the edges to seal up the pit; no counterweights are needed because they were cut 8" down from top, dead center, which also cuts down on the weight.

•When a door is opened, heat remains in the pit.

•Pit will hold a steady temperature all day long.

•Grease drain

•The cleavers on the top of the pit function as doorstops; they are a unique and sturdy feature. Axe handles are an alternate option.

•Pit is mounted well to the trailer, and components are fully welded.

•The pit has six fully removable racks for easy cleaning; bottom racks are roughly 30" x 29"; top racks are 30" x 26".

•All cooking surfaces in the pit and firebox are framed with 1-inch by 1-inch square tubing; 3/16-inch thick flat expanded metal was fitted and welded onto the frame.

•Paper towel and utensil holders are mounted to easy access.


•2-ft long and 2-ft wide by 2-ft tall.

•A flame deflector inside the tank stops flames from getting into the pit, allowing only that good old hickory smoke and heat inside.

•Breather for regulating temperature.

•All wooden handles mounted on 5/8-inch steel rods.

•Firebox top can also be used as a cooker for beans and sauces.

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