Feb 25, 2010
Give me all your BBQ

One hot smoker

Feb 24, 2010
Horizon Smokers

The firebox is 24" diameter x 24" long. It includes a heavy-duty charcoal grate, 18" x 24" grilling surface, a L.P. log lighter system, and a warming plate on top of the firebox. The horizontal cooking chamber is 24" x 60" long with a single hog door with an extra large counter weight for easy opening. Two thermometer ports, a slide out second level shelf, two spring handles, and a heavy duty steel front shelf make this a great smoker to own. The vertical smoker chamber is 25" x 25" sqare x 48" tall. The chamber has two door, each with locking pins and thermometer ports, six 24" square slide-out shelves, all with no-tip bracket. An extra large grease drain and smoke stack damper with extended handle are also standard. Other features include: a mounted spare tire, wood storage box with slide-out table top, 15" tires and wheels, and aluminum tread fenders.
Feb 23, 2010
Lone Star Custom Pits

Feb 22, 2010
Longhorn Joe's

My Father would love this place! He's a University of Texas Alum and a die hard Longhorns fan. But even without the UT colors, these smokers are national champions. Check out the gallery when you go see their site and you'll see what I mean. From charcoal grills, to custom smokers, these builders show what they can do instead of just talking it up. Next time I'm in Austin, Tx. I am going to have to go by and see if I can get some tips from them. If I can, you bet I'll share them right here with all of my fellow Pitbuilders.
Custom BBQ Pits
Tyler, Tx. is the home of the East Texas Smoker Company and as you can see clearly from the above example, they definitely know how to build "smoking kitchens on wheels"!!! What a great set-up this rig is! Judging from the other examples shown on their website, these folks have been doing this for awhile. Don't misunderstand me! Custom smoker set-ups like this aren't all they do. But I think I'll let you go check them out and see for yourselves what other smoking beauties await. Please remember to tell them that you heard about them right here at BBQ Pitbuilders! Thanks, and have a great visit!
Feb 21, 2010
"Bubba T" series by Lone Star Custom Pits

Feb 20, 2010
Extreme Pits

Here's a good example of what a Master welder can do if he is interested in building BBQ pits. Not enough pics on this site for my liking, but the ones that are here show that Master welder Dan Silveira knows his way around a BBQ pit! I think another lesson we might take from him is not to limit ourselves to always thinking "mobile" when we go to build our smokers or pits. Dan shows some wonderful BBQ pits made from steel and masonry block, along with his main photo of a beautiful, 3 sided, stainless pit on wheels. Great site Dan but we want more pics!
Tucker Cooker Company
Sweet little smokers with a nice selection of options that allow you to customize your smoker to your style of barbecuing. The Tucker Cooker Company site will give you many ideas as to just what kind of options can be installed into and onto a smoker. Take some time and research your design BEFORE you launch into a build and you will be so much happier with the end result. Do you want a spare tire carrier? How about a griddle? Should it be removable or not? Bumpers anyone? All these things and much more should go into the thought process in the research and design phase BEFORE construction ever starts. Do this and you will be smoking in style and with much greater satisfaction before you know it!
Feb 19, 2010
The Lang 84 Original

Here's a classic trailered smoker with enough cooking area to satisfy any size crowd up to a small army. I like this traditional style, offset smoker. I like it so much I'm going to base my trailered pit design (the one I build for myself) off of this exact smoker. Of course there will have to be the requisite builder modifications. But where's the fun in building your own if you can't tweak it just the way you want it?
Lang describes the Model 84 Original as follows:
"Our most popular selling size Smoker Cooker Bar-B.Q. Grill, we sell hundreds every year. Model # 84' like all our other models comes completely assembled, all welded and ready to cook. It weighs 1760 pounds and is our best size for volume cooking. If you need more cooking space, we recommend that you buy two or buy the twin 84 model."
Texas Best Pits - Quality BBQ Pits in Uvalde, Tx

Feb 18, 2010
General Container .. Shipping and Storage Containers
Here's a supplier of new stainless and steel drums for building a Utility Drum Smoker (UDS)
Feb 17, 2010
King Cookers
King Coops Of Long Island New York, Introduces King Cookers! We sell High End BBQ Smokers, BBQ Pits, & BBQ Rotisserie Grill Cookers that will help you deliver the Real Southern BBQ flavor that you know and love. Our Rotisserie Pit BBQ Smokers are used and shipped world wide. Nothing else compares to the true barbecue taste that these smokers put out!
Ugly Drum Smoker Photo Gallery by Jerry Kneupper at pbase.com
Step by step pics for the Ugly Drum Smoker by Jerry Knuepper.
Feb 16, 2010
CNC Machine Shop | Custom Waterjet, Plasma, Laser Cutting | eMachineShop.com
This down loadable software package is pretty interesting. For those of us, myself included, who are CAD challenged to put it mildly, this software is a dream come true!!! First it's easy to download and install. Then it doesn't take much time to get familiarized enough with it to be able to design your own parts with it! You can then print these parts out using your own printer and BAM, go fabricate them. I have several completed pit designs, start to finish, using only this software and my printer. Unfortunately steel costs much more than my imagination can afford, so my designs haven't made it to the real world yet. But without this software, they'd still be banging around upstairs clogging up my ear separator!
You can read for yourself exactly what this software is used for, I'm just saying that it does has other capabilities as well. This company can make just about any part you can design, using a multitude of processes. If you have parts incorporated into the design of your smoker that you can only design, but don't the capability of making, I urge you to use their services. You will see as you look through their site that they have incredible manufacturing and production capabilities. From one off parts, to large production runs, if you need specialty parts and can design them, they can create them for you. Their machine operators even help you out by checking with you BEFORE they run the parts! Thus guaranteeing they are running the correct dimension as specified by you.
The prices? Not bad. Remember, the more parts you get, the less it costs. Depending on your need, your costs can be made up very quickly. Would I have a part, or parts made for a smoker I was building? Sure I would. But I'd better be getting paid in advance on that build. As it is, the smokers I've built so far, have been for my own personal enjoyment. But you never know.
Feb 15, 2010
Like the new paint job?
Feb 14, 2010
Lang 84 Original
Outstanding Smokers!!! The Lang 84 original is a pit I have seen in use both here in Minnesota and in Texas. They can hold their share, and more, just about any meat you want to smoke. And to say they do a masterful job finishing those meats is an understatement. These smokers can cook! I won't get into specifics, Langs site covers those very well all by itself, but if you are looking to buy a smoker as opposed to building your own you can't go wrong with a Lang.
Feb 13, 2010
Big Drum Smokers | BBQ Smokers
I've made a few barrel pits in my time, but never in this configuration. It always fascinates me just why I didn't. The obvious answer is because I never thought of it. Don't know why I never thought of it, but being from the heart of horizontal smoker country, Houston, Texas, I never saw a single barrel pit set up this way. It makes perfect sense to me now, plus it has to be a heck of a lot less labor intensive. That has me somewhat curious about the prices of the units on display with this company. However, we all know you get what you pay for.
Towable Grills, BBQ's, Grills, Portable Grills, BBQ smokers, commercial BBQ grills
At Grills to Go, they represent a complete line of commercial BBQ grills from towable grills to wood-burning to portable gas grills; from charcoal to stainless steel gas grills to bbq smokers, for professional caterers, hospitality, and food service, with all the accessories you need for a complete barbeque and grilling experience. Also enjoy our favorite grill recipes including barbeque sauce recipes.
Tom's Personal Smoker and Grilling Barbeque Web Page
Lots of good information on this site. Even has his own "how-to" on Hog slaughtering! Don't they teach that in middle school? Just kidding. It's a very well put together section! Hey!? Is that pulled pork I smell cooking?
Used Commercial BBQ Smokers for sale.
Here's a wide variety of used and some new pit/smokers/grills for sale if you are interested. Me? I like to see as many different styles of smokers as I possibly can because it helps me on the projects that I build when it comes time to design and fabricate. I will recall something I've seen on a smoker somewhere that just might happen to work for scenario "x". That's the reason I post so many different sites and why I spend so much time going through each one looking at their work. It all helps me become a better designer/builder/fabricator. It will for you too.
Feb 12, 2010
Gator Pit of Texas
Wait until you feast your eyes on "the Legend"!!! Great site here with quite a wide variety of smokers/pits and other stuff to gaze upon. Enjoy!
BBQ Smoker Trailer - bbqsmokertrailers.com
Here are some smokers up for auction. Click below the pic and you will be taken to ebay where you can see some pics of the smoker/pit you are interested in. Win the bid and you... wait a minute, ya'll know how ebay works! I'm preaching to the choir here. Enjoy the link everyone!
Air Purification Systems, Ductless Hoods & Fume Extractors
Ok, I know this isn't directly smoker related. In fact, you could say this site is directly non-smoke related! Get it? Huh? Alright. It was a bad joke, I'll admit it. But when we are welding, safety is the most important issue to have in mind right? So why not post about a site that manufactures high quality, American Made fume extractors (FE's)? Have a look. This is a great example of an American company keeping jobs here at home and producing a top quality product that, if you do any welding indoors or in any confined spaces, you really do need.
Feb 11, 2010
BBQ Pits by Tejas | Barbecue Pit Smoker | Barbecue Grill | Houston Texas tradition
Have a detailed look at these smokers for some truly top notch fabrication skills! These are some well designed and built units. They also have a very wide selection and variety of cookers. In fact, I'm seriously considering getting their griddle. Mmmm, I can just smell the pancakes and bacon sizzling already.
The Smoker King » Custom BBQ Trailer Build
Now this is what I'm talking about! A 1000 lb. propane tank being transformed into a smoker!!!! Run, drive fast, fly, do whatever you have to do but get over to this site ASAP and check out the outstanding pics to see how it's done. Well done once again Smoker King!!
Pits by Klose - Houston, Texas
"BBQ PITS BY KLOSE is a manufacturer of fine custom BBQ pits for the last eleven years. With hundreds of sizes in stock, our inventories include wood, charcoal, and gas-grills. We can provide smokers in all sizes for backyards and commercial situations. We produce unique cookers made to your specifications. We even have open-faced park grills on a pole or stand. We have cajun fish-fryers, and select BBQ woods. Also hardwood charcoals, fire-starter sticks, cook books, BBQ instructional videos, cooking utensils, dinner bells, seasonings, plate steel "Metal Art." We can provide this "Metal Art in a variety of forms such as: steel-cutouts like longhorns, cows eating, deer scenes, chuck wagons, pigs, branding irons, even ranch and company log’s.
We carry replacement parts and gas equipment like high, low pressure burners, hoses, regulators, and shut off valves. Also, replacement meat racks, grills, ash pans, rib racks, fire racks, in regular and stainless steel. We have gauges, thermometers and handles in stainless steel. We even carry casters, pneumatic and hard rubber wheels for your pits and grills. You name it and if we don’t have it we will get it for you."
"Pits by Klose"
I was fresh out of High School in Houston, Texas back in 1986 when "Pits by Klose" got started. Over the years I have stopped by his place, when his operation was just off the Katy freeway on the west side of Houston, many times and have really enjoyed watching the transformation and growth his company has experienced. But, as is par for the course for me, what I love most are the smokers that they make!!! Check them out and you'll see what I mean.
Feb 10, 2010
BBQ Smoker Trailers | TS120 Barbeque Smoker
The reason I provided this link again is that I really want you to go and check out the "behind the scene photos" these folks provide on their website! Check the whole site while you're there. It's packed with great information but I really was drawn to the pics of the action in the fabrication/welding shop. Clean shop, a place for everything and everything in it's place (ok, almost...) means this team knows how things get done efficiently. The pics prove they do it extremely well! Check them out, you can learn a lot from pics.
Feb 9, 2010
Factory Direct Barbeque Pit Smokers
I have only recently come across this site, but just by looking at a few of the pics of their trailered smokers I can tell... I'VE GOT CABIN FEVER BIG TIME!!! I want to be outdoors cooking on one of those beauties right now. Isn't that what you want to be doing too? Currently, here at BBQ Pitbuilders HQ, it is 20 degrees F with 15 mph winds and about 60+ inch snowdrifts completely surrounding my house. I've managed to dig a trail from my front door to the driveway, where my frozen truck sits angrily awaiting the thaw that must eventually come, although it will not happen fast enough for either of us!
FD Barbecue Pit Smokers symbolize freedom from confinement, the aroma of Spring or Summer, and the promise of happier times that often accompany barbecues with friends and family.
I just wonder if the folks at FD Barbecue Pit Smokers know that?
I also have to ask if they know what a long, cold Winter in Minnesota can do to a Texans mind?
Cabin fever.
Spring fever.
Whatever you want to call it, I got it.
But I know the cure too. BBQ Pit building.
Time to get started on Project #1 - The Barrel Smoker
Check the good folks out at Factory Direct Barbecue Pit Smokers. They have some real deal smokers at OUTSTANDING prices!!!
Feb 8, 2010
Barbeque Smoker Plans for the DIY Meat Smoker
Here is a good set of plans for someone who can both fabricate and weld steel. I wouldn't recommend this project be attempted if you don't have plenty of experience doing both. In the future (not sure of the exact date yet) I will be building this project and posting the pics and experiences for you to enjoy (read: laugh at!) so we will eventually have our own version of basically the same project, with a few twists along the way! Texas Barbecues.com has the set of plans at no charge if you are interested in downloading them. While you are there have a look around the place because this is another great site for all things BBQ!!!
The Smoke Ring - Barbecue Recipes
Here's the story on beef brisket, one of them anyway. There are a few different versions of this, but I have no reason to doubt this one. Having eaten more than my share of Hill country barbecue, especially brisket and sausage, I can speak from firsthand expeience when I say that nobody knows brisket like these folks do. It doesn't get anymore step by step than this. Follow the above link and you'll see what I'm talking about. Enjoy!
The Smoke Ring- All you need to know about barbecue
Just in case you've never been here, you have got to go! Their line says it all, "All you need to know about barbecue"! Anyone who's spent anytime researching smokers online has seen their ads, but going to their website offers so much more. They have awesome recipes for all types of barbecue, spices, rubs, sauces, and more. One of my favorite items on their sites is their "Scammer Alert" section. It lists sites advertised on The Smoke Ring but never paid. They advise against ordering from or doing business with the companies listed there. They claim that "If they scammed us they may scam you"! Personally, I wish more sites had this type of listing. Have look for yourself, you'll see what I mean.
All around this is a great site, which is why it stands here with my other favorites.
Feb 7, 2010
Pitmaker of Houston Texas Custom builders of BBQ Trailers, Backyard BBQ Smoker Pits, and BBQ Grills
PITMAKER of Houston, Texas has some stunning smokers on display on their website! Yet another example of impeccable fabrication and total quality focus that makes these smokers among the best I've seen.
Feb 6, 2010
How to Build Your Own BBQ Barrel
Ok, this is a perfect example of building on a budget. If you are building a grill/smoker for the very first time, this might be something to consider. As far as level of difficulty goes, it's a straighforward project. Good for beginners to tackle without fear. Still the time proven rules always apply. Measure twice, cut once. Don't rush through the project, remember, it's the journey that's important. And most importantly for us, NEVER start a first time smoker/grill project when you're hungry!!! Go eat something first man, trust me on that! Things will go much smoother. :)
Cowgirl's Country Life: My UDS so far...
Best Barrel Smoker I've ever seen! Lot's of thought has gone into air-flow control. In fact, This is now "BBQ Pitbuilders Project ONE". That's right, I've got all materials on hand, just need to get a camera and I will get going on the very first build here at BBQ Pitbuilders. Couldn't be a better first project either. What a beauty! Can't wait to get started!
How To Build A Food Smoker
This one might be overkill! Every project anyone could ever possibly hope to attempt in one (or two) lifetime(s). Well assembled page and jam packed with projects designed for every conceivable application. Again, one of my favorite websites because of the variety of plans covered and the thorough job done covering each design!
How to make a Smoker from a Trash Can
This project is simple, straight forward, and inexpensive. In other words = PERFECT for anyone looking to try their hand at building an electric smoker for the first time! It even gives some great information and free education along the way. The price is right and the resulting food is even... right-er!!! And of course, this project will help us all to get out there and smoke something!
Feb 5, 2010
Meadow Creek Shop Tour
Meadow Creek Shop Tour
Pro-Pits Mobile Smokers
Pro-Pits smokers are now made with new heat diffraction technology, enabling extremely small heat variation differences in the cooking chamber. Coupled with a double-walled firebox and 4' of rockwool mineral fiber insulation, these smokers are very energy efficient.
Using this system produces a minimal number of hot spots no more than 20º left to right in the horizontal cooking chamber and 40º from the bottom to top slide out shelves.
Pro-Pits smokers are made from propane tanks. The rigs are 10' long by 4' 5' wide. The cooking chamber is 30'x 54' with 6 slide out cooking shelves. Total cooking area of 20 sq. ft. Chambers are 3/16' or 1/4' steel and is sand blasted down to white metal, then painted with 1,000 degree F. Dap DeRusto high-temp paint. The chamber doors come with four Ashcroft 4'adjustable thermometers, one each at middle grate level and one at top grate level. There is a 10'x14'x9' deep-well sink located in front of the cook chamber and comes with a 6' high-rise faucet. Additionally, there is a 10 gallon potable water tank, 12V water pump, and 12V battery w/charger. The sink drains to a gray water tank. The pit also has a garden hose connection with anti-backflow device for connecting directly to a water spigot.
Pro-Pits Mobile Smokers are also outfitted with four swivel 12V flood lights, electric brakes, 1.5' ball valve drain system for water tight cook belly, 12'x 6' stainless steel work shelf, lock-down bar for transport and security, lighted 10' flag pole, cast iron 2' bull hitch, chrome wheels, leaf spring suspension, and heavy duty axle."
Pitts and Spitts
Stainless steel lids and steel bodied pitts are their trademark, along with a level of fabrication that is not exceeded and only rarely matched in the entire industry. I think these are beautiful smokers folks! Have a look and decide for yourselves.
Pitts and Spitts
ONYX Oven BBQ Smoker...
I want one of these things. It's big, it's black, it can smoke a good amount of meat in it's insulated smoking chamber. At approx. $900, this smoker can meet my BBQ needs while I am working on a plethora of different projects of my own design! Overkill? I think not. A man's got to eat and besides, who's going to feed the help? Now you're starting to think like a pitbuilder. If you feed them, they will come!
Here it is on YouTube:
ONYX Oven Barbeque Smoker
And here it is @ BBQ GURU:
ONYX Oven Barbeque Smoker
Feb 4, 2010
Here's an example of fine cooker craftmanship...
That's what he calls a small smoker! Those of you who know why can tell the others... go on, tell 'em, don't be shy! This gentleman calls this beauty a small cooker because the pit he built prior to the small one is a BEAST!!! It's awesome! Personally I can't recommend anyone ever covert a propane tank into a cooker/smoker/grill of any kind. But if you are going to do it anyway, this man has done it right! Did I mention he offers free plans to anyone who wants to download them from his site? That's what I love about us pitbuilders. We are in it to build it! Oh sure, we want to eat from it as well, but the joy is in it's creation, or in some cases, it's transformation. We are a special breed! Alright, enough about us. The link that follows is to his beautiful beast of a smoker (just don't tell him I called her a beast!)
What a great build!
Hey, get out there and smoke something!
Want to build a BBQ pit?
One thing I learned a long time ago is that some parts for these cookers can be scavenged, other parts can be fabricated, but it pays to find a great supplier for the critical parts and I have one for you today. The link below is one of the best I've found to help you locate hard to find, top shelf parts at reasonable prices. If you are a weekend warrior looking to build your own smoking beast, this guy can hook you up with parts that you might not find anywhere else. Check his site out, there's all kinds of yummy things for a pit builder to drool over!
and remember to get out there and smoke something!
Feb 3, 2010
Homemade Hamburger Recipes
Hamburger buns (4)
Lettuce leaves (8)
Kosher salt (2 teaspoons)
Medium tomatoes - thickly sliced (2)
Freshly ground black pepper (2 teaspoons)
Ground beef - preferably chuck (2 pounds)
First, you need to preheat the grill to medium high. Then, you have to season the meat with some salt and pepper. Make sure you season it lightly. Now, shape this into 4 patties and place the patties onto the grill. Cook it for 6 minutes on each side or as desired. Place these patties on the buns. You can also toast the buns. Use lettuce and tomato as toppings. Add some ketchup as well."
Thanks Buzzle!
Top Secret !!!
Top Secret
First some respect
...and no I am not a paid spokesperson! :) I just really like all things BBQ.
White Trash BBQ